Payment methods

    Choose the payment method that works best for you:

    1. With cash on delivery : Pay the shipping clerk upon receipt of your order. Payment is made in cash. Cash on delivery costs €4 for orders within Greece and €5 for orders from Cyprus.
    2. With payment through Stripe e-Commerce
    3. With Paypal : The Paypal service is one of the safest payment and money transfer methods.
    4. With deposit/transfer to the following bank accounts :
    • National Bank: GR6601103970000039720375300
    • Alpha Bank: GR2501403060306002002006856
    • Eurobank: GR6002602170000370202080424

    Any bank charges are borne by the customer.

    Do not forget to write in the comments of the deposit the name you used in the order, as well as the order code you will receive through the e-shop.

    When you have completed the deposit please forward us the bank receipt by email to info@ or call us on 241 053 5070 to let us know the deposit has been made. A necessary condition for the products to be shipped is the confirmation of the deposit of the order amount.